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Recently, the price of Dogecoin (DOGE) has soared, significantly increasing the profitability of Scrypt miners. Numerous well-known mining hardware manufacturers have introduced various models of Scrypt miners, which support mining LTC, DOGE, BELLS, LKY, and PEPE, with the primary profits coming from DOGE. In this article, the MinersKing team will discuss the popular Scrypt miners currently available in the market.
Launched in 2022, the Антмайнер L7 boasts hash rates of 9500M, 9300M, 9050M, 8800M, 8550M, and 8050M, with an energy efficiency of up to 0.36 J/MH. Despite being on the market for two years, the Л7 remains highly popular and has long dominated the Scrypt miner market.
As a new release in 2024, the Antminer L9 quickly garnered attention and even went out of stock during the DOGE price surge due to its high demand. With hash rates of 15G, 16G, and 17G, the L9 offers nearly double the performance of the L7 while consuming less power, indicating higher potential profits. Despite its premium price, the L9 is currently the most sought-after Scrypt miner.
The DG1+ is an upgraded version of the discontinued DG1, featuring hash rates of 13G, 13.6G, 14G, and 14.4G, with an efficiency of 0.28 J/MH. Released in 2024, while the DG1+ does not match the L9 in performance and efficiency, its more affordable price makes it a popular choice among miners.
Elphapex has also introduced a home-friendly Scrypt miner designed for those who mine at home. The DG Home 1 is a quiet, plug-and-play model with a hash rate of 2100M and an efficiency of 0.3 J/MH.
Goldshell miners are ideal for budget-conscious users looking to mine at home. They are great options for beginners or those treating mining as a hobby.
Goldshell DG Max
Hashrate: 6.5 Gh/s
Power Consumption: 3400W
Efficiency: 0.523 J/MH
Goldshell E-DG1M
Hashrate: 3.4 Gh/s
Power Consumption: 1800W
Efficiency: 0.529 J/MH
Goldshell Mini-DOGE III Plus
Hashrate: 810 Mh/s
Power Consumption: 500W
Efficiency: 0.617 J/MH
Undoubtedly, DOGE is expected to continue its significant upward trend in the near future, making it an ideal time to invest in Scrypt miners. Different models cater to various mining conditions, so if you’re interested in learning more, please contact us. MinersKing will arrange for professionals to provide you with customized mining solutions.