Fraud Prevention

Social media

Check the official social media accounts and payment wallet address of MinersKing, to avoid being scammed

On this page, we will list the official wallet address and accounts of various platforms as well as the known fake accounts below. Please be aware and cautious to avoid being scammed.

Official Wallet Address:
TRC20: TCSB***********************CzHH
ERC20: 0x1A************************4bcb
Disclaimer: Currently, there are many scammers impersonating MinersKing members to conduct fraud. Please look for our company’s official contact information and the sales staff contact information on the Contact page. When you are unable to confirm whether the other party is a MinersKing member, please contact us through the official website to verify and confirm. MinersKing will not bear any responsibility for transactions with non-MinersKing member accounts without contacting the official.
